The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation

1 Point Road , Nelson • Vezi pe harta
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation
The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation

Puncte forte ale hotelului

  • Restaurant
  • Transfer aeroport
  • Seif
  • TV
  • Restaurant
  • Transfer de la/la aeroport (gratuit)

Avand in vedere amplasarea sa centrala, in zona Stoke, The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation reprezinta o inspirata varianta de cazare in Nelson.

Oaspetii pot servi masa la restaurantul nostru, aflat in incinta unitatii de cazare. Micul dejun este servit in fiecare dimineata, alaturi de cafea, ceai sau diverse bauturi racoritoare. In curte exista amenajata o zona pentru a servi masa in aer liber. In camera exista facilitati pentru prepararea cafelei sau ceaiului. Fiecare camera are TV cu canale prin satelit. Baia este dotata cu dus. Facilitatile de baie includ articole de toaleta gratuite si un uscator de par. The Honest Lawyer Country Pub and Accommodation ofera servicii de spalatorie, la cerere si la un cost suplimentar. De asemenea, oaspetii au la dispozitie un fier de calcat.

Serviciile de transfer sunt disponibile la cerere si sunt gratuite. Bunurile de valoare pot fi pastrate in siguranta in seif. Facilitatile pentru segmentul business includ un centru de conferinte.

Disponibilitate hotel

Pentru a obtine preturile finale va rugam setati perioada dorita.


GPS - Latitudine: -41.305790, Longitudine: 173.219620

Facilitati hotel

Mancaruri si bauturi
Facilitati pentru prepararea de ceai/cafea
Breakfast (contra cost)

Transfer de la/la aeroport (gratuit)
Facilitati de calcat
Servicii nunta

Zona de living

Servicii de receptie
Camera de bagaje

Servicii de curatenie

Facilitati business
Sali de conferinta si petreceri

Zona pentru luat masa in aer liber

Toate facilitatile hotelului

Facilitati camere


Canale prin satelit

Divertisment si servicii pentru familii
Patuturi pentru copii/bebelusi

Uscator de par
Articole de toaleta gratuite

Toate facilitatile camerelor


Nelson0.84 km
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