Catedrala Notre-Dame din Paris

Catedrala Notre-Dame, o capodopera gotica, poate fi considerata atat din punct de vedere geografic cat si spiritual, inima Frantei. Piatra de temelie a acestei catedrale a fost pusa de Papa Alexandru III in anul 1163. Aceasta catedrala a fost amplasata pe locul unui templu roman.

Constructia a fost terminata in anul 1330, avand o lungime de 130 m si turnuri inalte de 69 m. Cinci generatii de maistri constructori si sculptori ai stilului gotic au lucrat 170 de ani la construirea acestei catedrale.

Intrarea in catedrala se face prin trei portaluri, sculptate minutios, ilustrand scene biblice. Deasupra intrarii se afla o adevarata galerie a regilor. Turistii pot urca in cele doua turnuri gemene pentru o priveliste a Parisului. Turnul de sud adaposteste clopotul Emmanuel de 13 tone. In fiecare dupa-amiaza de duminica, au loc recitaluri de orga.

Scriitorul Victor Hugo a fost cel care a salvat catedrala de la distrugere. Romanul Cocosatul de la Notre-Dame a atras atentia asupra catedralei ce era in ruina la momentul respectiv, si astfel a fost posibila obtinerea unor fonduri ce erau necesare pentru lucrarile de restaurare.

Catedrala este deschisa de luni pana vineri intre orele 8:00 – 18:45, si pana la 19:15 sambata si duminica.

Update! In seara zilei de 15 Aprilie 2019 un puternic incediu a afectat catedrala. Turla si acoperisul catedralei s-au prabusit, in timp ce tamplaria a fost mistuita de flacari.

Informatii utile


6 Parvis Notre-Dame - Place Jean-Paul II, 75004 Paris

Cum ajung

Statiile de metrou Cite, Saint-Michel, Hotel de Ville si Chatelet


+33 1 42 34 56 10

Alte informatii

Vizitarea Turnului catedralei Notre-Dame si a Trezoreriei sunt contra cost.

Timp mediu vizitare



  • Taxa acces: Gratuit


  • Luni - Vineri: 08.00 - 18.45
  • Sambata - Duminica: 08.00 - 19.45


GPS - Latitudine: 48.853271, Longitudine: 2.349180

Mareste harta


  • Catedrala Notre-Dame din Paris
  • Restaurant
  • Hotel
  • Piete si zone centrale
  • Monumente
  • Catedrale si biserici
  • Muzee si galerii de arta
  • Palate si castele
  • Cladiri si turnuri
  • Gradini si parcuri
  • Divertisment
  • Shopping
  • Altele



I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: "My children, yesterday the Christian world suffered a great loss in the burning of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. It stood for centuries as a symbol of old-world tradition. Now, it is a burned-out shell. I would be remiss if I did not point out this analogy. What is left standing of the once-great Cathedral must be compared to the liberal Church today. The shell of the once-majestic church is all that the liberal Church represents. The interior is nothing but a burned out, unrecognizable, once-great church. No one worships there. What is left of the Cathedral is the effect of all the great prayers offered over the centuries from her midst. In the liberal Church, the prayers are not recognizable as Tradition has been burned away in favor of free-will choice. Reconstruct this great Cathedral in your hearts as the Church of Atonement."* "If I could only tell you the Church is alive and well today despite this loss. But alas! I cannot lie to you. People see the material loss - not the spiritual loss. I did not rescue the Cathedral, but let the flames take their course. I must rescue the state of the Church today. There must no longer be liberal and conservative forces inside the Church. All must be one. Conflict brings destruction." "Today, you have left ruins of a great Cathedral during the holiest week of the year.** Take heed and do not allow the firestorm of controversy to destroy the Tradition of Faith in your heart." -Read 1 Peter 2:4-5+ Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious; and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 16.4.9 "So, you see the great Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris standing in shambles. This is how I see My Church upon earth, as more and more liberal policies oppress the Truth. Children, cling to the Tradition of Faith you have been taught. Do not try to compromise My Commandments. That is the only way to be assured of your salvation as your journey on earth continues on. Trust the Truth above pompous titles. I will bless you." Read Acts 5:29+ But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men."